Monday 26 March 2012

Tick Tock

Hello and welcome to our blog! It's now 5 days until Sarah and I get married, not nervous yet. Just excited for what the next few months hold for us. After getting married on 31/3, we've got a fortnight left in England to celebrate Easter with families, pack the flat up and say our goodbyes. Then we start the trip of a lifetime, with three months to explore India and South East Asia, before settling in New Zealand for a year of working and exploring. Here's a map of our trip - looks like quite a straight line we're taking from London to Auckland, but it takes a bit longer than the usual flight...
Or a link here. We've got a month to explore India, including Delhi and the temples of the Golden Triangle, before heading to the Himalayas for some long treks and then to Goa for some long days on the beach. Then off to Singapore, where we'll travel by train up through Kuala Lumpur to Bangkok, then spend the majority of our 2 months in SE Asia in Laos, Vietnam (down the coast by scooter hopefully) and Cambodia. Then to Sydney for a few days before we try and earn a living in NZ, destination TBC! We'll keep this blog up to date with photos from our trip and stories of the adventures we go through. Don't worry - we're not going to find ourselves in a Tibetan monastery and come back with plenty of friendship bracelets. Probably a few facial tribal tattoos in Bangkok though. More to follow soon...

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