Saturday 21 July 2012

G'Day from Sydney

Yes - they really do say that here! Even on a massive poster at Arrivals at the Airport. What a welcome, and how much did we love it here!
Australian Icons here we come!
We made sure we tucked into the food:
Meat Pie (with mash, peas and gravy)
= HEAVEN for Matt Cope
Steak, chips and Victoria Bitter = more HEAVEN for the hubby
We spent a day taking the ferry from the spectacular Sydney Harbour to Manly Beach and exploring the trendy area full of surfer dudes and beach volleyball dudettes. Isn't it winter you may ask?? Well, yes, but 19 degreesC and sunny didn't feel too wintry to us!
What a view from the ferry!

A typical winter's day in Sydney Harbour

Stretch VW Campervan - v cool!
Surfing the winter waves
Such a popular weekend pastime!

Manly Beach
The sun begins to set on Sydney as we head back on the ferry
Perfectly timed sun poking through the Harbour Bridge pylon

That night we stayed up late for a spot of tennis on the telly (oh Andy- what happened?!)
Me plotting our English language TV schedule -
Downtown Abbey, followed by Masterchef,
followed by Wimbledon!
After a bit of a lie in following the late night viewing we visited the Hyde Park Barracks Museum and learnt a little about Sydney's immigrant history. After searching the convict database at the Museum for any Copes and Broads that might have passed through in the 19th Century, we were both amazed to find not one, but two Copes! And no less than six Broads. Oh dear.
The latest Broad/Cope to be incarcerated at the Barracks
We then ventured back to the Harbour for our penultimate wedding present of the trip. Liz and Imogen - we absolutely loved climbing to the top of the Harbour Bridge Pylon. It was a gloriously sunny day again and we had a spectacular view of the Harbour. Thank you!
Very happy honeymooner
The bridge casting a shadow on the Opera House
Can it soon all be over?? What a trip

A beautiful city by night and day, we loved Sydney:
Westfield have taken over the world
(spot the logo on top of the tower)
That bridge by night
A brilliant few days, rounded off by a trip to Bondi Beach - Sydney gets the thumbs up from us!
Bonza, mate!

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