Tuesday 7 August 2012

World meet Carrie, Carrie meet NZ

The plan is starting to fall into place...

1 - I've got a job! Celebration proof below.
NZ beer is good, can't wait to start on
the craft beers!
2 - We've been test driving some new road racing bikes this week... some lovely bikes out here. Time to buy!

3 - We've found a lovely flat for when our current short-term lease comes to an end soon. It's near to the parks, beaches and some great cycling loops - fingers crossed the landlord accepts us tomorrow. Eek.

4 - And we've fulfilled a 5 year long ambition to own a campervan! Meet Carrie (Carrie the Van, geddit?) She's a lovely 2 litre petrol Mistubishi 300 Long - with just under 300,000km on the clock. After taking her round to my mechanical mate Dave (who gave her the all clear) we bought her last week and have been itching to take her out for a trip! It's an ex-painter's van that someone has lovingly re-sprayed and fitted out inside. It feels a bit like driving a heavy lorry - but I'm getting there. Sarah's had a go in the car park - Auckland roads will be next. Watch out.
Carrie and Sarah - she fits in it better than I does.
A huge bonus is that it comes with EVERYTHING! Gas, all the cooking stuff, bedding and maps. Sadly there was no food in it for me to snaffle - as the previous owners were French, the only thing left behind was some Dijon mustard. Fact.

So - we headed out (with more than just mustard) to Piha on the Western Auckland beaches, nestled amongst the Waitakere Ranges. Freedom Camping is a big thing in NZ, but we were keen to stay in one of the Department of Conservation locked sites for our first night - a bargain at £6 for the van!

We love NZ Sauvignon Blanc so took a couple of bottles in our 'chilly bin' and relaxed in the back of Carrie for the night...
The lounge-cum-kitchen-cum-bedroom-dining room
 What's the verdict on our van, people? Well, we love it! And what lovely surroundings to wake up in. Sure they're going to get WAY better than this on our travels too.
Our space for the night - a deserted park
Inside Carrie
Waking up in the DoC site meant we could just cook some porridge, chat to the park ranger, put on our hiking boots and head up into the mountains for a 6 hour trek through knee deep mud between huge Kauri trees and beneath some pretty cool waterfalls. Love this country.
No swimming today!
 After a great day in the mountains, we came back to the van and headed to Piha Beach to climb Lion Rock, a beast of an outcrop bisecting the sands. Here we watched the sun set from this old ancient Maori site.
A Maori guardian
Piha Stacks
After chatting to some of the locals, we parked the van up on behind the dunes for free and settled there for the night. 
A brilliant weekend - can't wait to get out for some longer adventures in the van!

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