Sunday 6 April 2014

The return of the parents (/in law)

From the Ironman post you might have worked out that we had two important guests visiting us over the summer months. Pete and Clare hadn't quite covered all of New Zealand on their first trip so they decided to come and visit us again. For the second trip of a lifetime. Or third honeymoon. Or something. The timing couldn't have been better - the sun shone for their whole visit, we had some much needed distraction from endless training and of course they were our very own support crew on race day.

Here's a few shots of their first weekend down-under. We whisked them from the airport straight to the Coromandel peninsular's Hahei, a small village close to Cathedral Cove, Pete's no.1 place in NZ!

A classic Cope airport welcome!
First night at our bach - beers, lasagne and good conversation
Next morning, straight to Cathedral Cove.
Overcast but big waves for playing in.
A Caleb special thumbs up for seeing family again
Night no.2 = BARBIE TIME!
Our beautiful bach - set in native gardens.
Peace and tranquility
Tiki touring back to Auckland via one of our favourite
camping sports - Tapakanga Regional Park
Saying goodbye the next morning... but not for long!

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