Saturday 13 September 2014

Fiji part 2

Having got to nearly 30 without ever doing a resort holiday (despite going on a fair few holidays) we figured that the second half of our Fijian adventure was the ideal opportunity to kick back and relax with all of our food and drinks sorted for us! Our resort was located on the Coral Coast - a beautiful area of the main Fijian island Viti Levu. Getting off the bus with our backpacks and walking up the drive of the resort we were immediately impressed.
Silly photo to get things started!
Oriental flavour in the South Pacific
The rest of the five days didn't disappoint me with plenty of food, drink, tennis, more food, golf, gin and tonics (several), snorkelling, yet more food, reading/sunbathing etc to keep me busy. The bad news was that Matt was rather disappointed, as he caught a bit of nasty tummy bug which seriously impeded his ability to eat and drink anywhere near as much he had anticipated. I tried to make up for it... But even my amazing breakfast capabilities didn't quite cover it! Here's a few pics of the five days:
Yummy dinner with bubbles on our first night
A spot of lounging in the sun
Another dinner, this time with water only for Matt...
Matt honing his golfing skills
Breakfast seconds/thirds for me
Snorkelling in the lagoon - beautiful fishies!
The lagoon at our resort
Chill time
One of our 6 games of tennis (yes, we played every
 day - even  when Matt was feeling super peaky.
I think beating me made him feel better every time!
Cruise on our last night
Bubbles with a side of pineapple
juice on our last night - why not?!
The five days flew by and we were soon downgraded back to our usual backpacker status with another bumpy bus ride back to Nadi and a spot of lunch at a little Indian cafe in town followed by checking out the Hindu temple before our flight home.
Still a bit peaky, bur never top ill for onion bhajis and daal!
Architecture with personality!
Fiji - tick! A great introduction to the South Pacific and the beginning of a few late winter/spring adventures as the clock counts down our twenties!


  1. First resort hotel holiday? Does hotel Cala N Bosch in Menorca not count? I got salmonella so there are parallels...

  2. Minor transcription error - first all-inclusive resort holiday was what I meant. Take it up with the writer, I'm just the photographer!

    I was bad, but not Salmonella bad. That looked horrible! And smelt it...
