Monday 26 January 2015

Kiwi Christmas No.3 (with special guests) Part 1!

The final countdown may be upon us (more on leaving NZ soon) but over the last month we've managed to fit in a lot of fun times. Mainly due to the arrival of Katie and Jamie for four weeks over Christmas and New Year!
Airport pick up - excitement all round!
We were both keen to show off everything NZ has to offer from day one. Unfortunately, the first weekend our visitors were here, NZ decided to show off its very worst weather - also known as torrential rain and gale force winds for two days. Luckily - we had booked a bach in the Coromandel, which whilst not 100% watertight did allow us to stay holed up inside whilst having a monster catch up over drinks.
First bubbles of the trip -
France's finest (Moet) - can NZ compete?
Reprising Westlife's chord changes
Attempting to leave the village of Hahei - easier said
than done when driving through fords!
So, that's probably enough about that weekend. Not an auspicious start to the supposed kiwi summer...

After fitting in a quick week of work whilst Katie and Jamie kindly drove Carrie down to the South Island for us, Matt and I boarded our private jet (OK, not quite) and popped down to Blenheim.
About to board one of Air New Zealand's smaller aircraft
Some of you might remember reading about our last two visits to the Marlborough wine region. If you don't - the following should cover it, just with the addition of the best two people we know to taste wine with!
Starting as we mean to go on at Brancott Estate
My sister with me in New Zealand - super exciting!
Matt with his co-bro enjoying a pre cuddle giggle
The only way to travel between the vineyards
Time for a sit down (and some more wine)
Vollbrachts + Vines = Smiles
The summer had arrived, and the holiday really had started. A quick game of tennis later and the van packed up with a few bottles for the road and we were off to our next stop...
Us all impersonating Katie's finger wagging - she claims
she didn't after hitting a cross court winner. We disagree
Where else could our next stop be but beautiful Nelson - home of Kiwi mates Mark and Janelle, mini mate Emmett and new addition Archie (M&J's Jack Russell). Matt and I popped by to their lovely new house for a barbie and beers, whilst Katie and Jamie got settled into their rental campervan.
Emmett doing a perfect impression of his dad (minus the beer)
Brekkie on the beach just outside Nelson
Our next destination - the Abel Tasman. This was our third Christmas in this beaut spot and we had a cracking few days.
Team Cope/Vollbracht - best spot in the campsite
A spot of kayaking
A bit of swimming
Some cheeky bum grabbing from Jamie
A bit more swimming - this time in a refreshing stream
The rejuvenation of the Christmas punch
Keeping tabs on the wine list
and Christmas points
Christmas lunch, courtesy of Matt's awesome barbequing skills
Tucking in
Thoroughly refreshed we were soon heading down the west coast with a mammoth drive getting us all the way to Okarito Lagoon.
Fish and Chip stop in Greymouth
Sand fly ridden Okarito - only one
thing for it - build a massive fire!
Followed by a quick stop at Franz Josef Glacier...
Franz Josef waterfalls - spot Matt -
he's diddy for once
 And Moana's world-famous-in-NZ white bait fritter stall
Before we knew it, we were back to the land of the enormous mountains, crystal clear lakes and hiking opportunities a plenty.
Matt admiring the view
We fitted in a couple of awesome walks whilst in the Wanaka/Queenstown area - first up, Roy's Peak (scene of Matt's nudist moment last year). Thankfully his pants stayed on this time.
We can't get enough of this view!
Happy hikers in height order!
This was only the warm up though - with the next day seeing a return visit for Matt and I to the Routeburn track... to be blogged soon!

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