Thursday 8 November 2012


It's Movember - the time of year when an annually growing number of men across the world grow a Moustache. A Mo. A fuzzy ribbon slowly cultivated during the month of November which says to the world "Hey - men's health is important. We don't talk about it, and we don't really like getting checked out. Prostate cancer ain't cool and depression isn't something you talk about with your mates down the pub."

A group of 6 guys in Australia 10 years ago wanted to change that. Well, that's a lie. They had a drunken bet to see who could grow the best mo during November. At the end of the month, they'd had so much fun they wanted to legitimise it as an annual thing.

After getting the support of men's health charities first in Oz, then NZ, before venturing into Canada, the US and the UK - Movember is now a global phenomenon and has raised over £200million in the last ten years. All by men starting the month clean shaven and growing that mo.

Day 8 - Still looking like a bumfluff 13 year old...
And I also had my first "protective parent shielding their kid
from the man with the moustache" yesterday. The shame...
If you'd like to sponsor me or the team I'm in at work, that would be great. Just follow this link.

No pressure at all to sponsor. What would be great though is if you could take 5 minutes to learn a bit about the health issues that affect men - whatever their age. You don't know what your mates might be going through... Learn more here.

I'm taking a photo of the progress every morning and night, so will compile it into a stop motion video at the end of the month. Fingers crossed I've got something to show for it by then!

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