Sunday 16 February 2014

Summer South Island Adventure - Part 2

The epic summer holiday continued (see part 1 here!) at Lake Wanaka with Matt and I having a go at parts of the Challenge Wanaka iron distance course as part of our training. We knew the rest of the New Year crew would be arriving that afternoon so completed a short swim in the lake (too cold for anything longer!), a 90km cycle through mountains surrounding Wanaka and a 21km run along the lakefront, all before 3pm!

It was great to see everyone once we arrived at the lovely bach Janelle had organised for the 5 days - Nick and Kate now have two little ones (Eva and Aidan) and Mark and Janelle's little lad Emmett has definitely grown since he featured in this blog last year!

It was a fun few days over New Years (I'll let the pictures tell the story). Suffice to say, beer was drunk, a lot of barbeque food was eaten, coffees were sipped and lots of stories were told. And all with the stunning backdrop of Lake Wanaka - a real treat!
Starting the ascent of Roy's Peak at 6am
The top of Roy's Peak a couple of hours later
3 trufflers with a token twag
4 trufflers (the shirt is Feral Matt, apparently)
Getting lost in the maze at Puzzling World
Demolishing gourmet burgers on New Year's Eve
Carrie looking mean-as whilst conquering the Crown Range Road
between Wanaka and Queenstown
The Chinese village toilet at Arrowtown 
A cheeky stop for a pint of Speight's at the Cardrona Hotel
Matt popped out for a quick water ski that evening courtesy of
Mark's cousin with a boat.
First time skiing on water - and he nailed it!
Well, until he stopped nailing it!
Mark and Nick enjoying a bit of boy time
Thanks guys for organising such a fun few days - looking forward to the next reunion soon!

And for us - onwards to the deep South...

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