Friday 25 May 2012


As Matt mentioned below - we're in Malaysia at the moment, en route to Bangkok - and from there Laos. Excited to be in another new country - and we have really loved Malaysia - and the incredible mix of cultures that can be found here.

We caught a train courtesy of my Uncle Mike (thank you!) from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur, arriving mid afternoon. We spent the rest of that day exploring Little India and Chinatown.
Kuala Lumpur
The next morning we headed over to KLCC (KL City Centre), visiting the famous Petronas Towers, and the swanky shopping mall underneath them.
Petronas Twin Towers - surprisingly beautiful

Another tower later (Menara in the forest reserve in central KL) and some lunch we also managed to fit in the National Museum, and the National Mosque... Before jumping on our night train to Penang (also courtesy of Uncle Mike). We both managed to sleep so well with our ear plugs in that we only woke up once we had been stationary at the last stop (thankfully ours) for ten minutes when the guard came by!
In bed, on a train - loved it!

On arrival at Butterworth we jumped on a ferry over to Penang Island, and then decided to spend the day on the beach (its been so long after all...) A lovely day - especially for Matt who thoroughly tired himself out splashing about in the big waves.
Happy Matt
And made himself VERY hungry - hunger satiated by a hawker stall in Georgetown serving up the most delicious pork noodle combo (it even had bits of crackling in it!)
Chowing down

Today has been spent exploring the Colonial old Town - including a fort with canons (Happy Matt again!)
Fort Cornwallis
And then enjoying the melting pot of Asian culture that is Penang, including a Hindu Temple, Malay and Indian Mosques, a bhaji and masala chai from a stall (feeling nostalgic for India already) and then best of all a visit to a Taoist temple complete with incense offerings, followed by the Khoo Khongsi - a Chinese clanhouse with incredibly ostentatious architecture - loved it.

Just outside the temple

Matt and new friend lighting our incense

So peaceful
Amazing stone reliefs

Grumpy monk to the right

Fat happy monk to the left as you enter the Khoo Khongsi

A bit OTT - but you've got to big up your clan after all

A brief trip through Malaysia - but well worth it. We'll definitely be back.

1 comment:

  1. Matt - love the picture of those big guns.
    The one two places above with you topless on the beech is also a good shot.
    Loving the blog. We've just had another good read as a family. Caleb enjoyed it - especially the fat monks. "Silly grumpy monk". Emse cried though - she wants feeding again...
