Tuesday 22 May 2012

A Singapore Sling

Hello from Asia! We're now in Malaysia and are catching up on a bit of blogging, so here's a quick update from the super amazing city/island/country that is Singapore.

It's VERY different to India! We miss many bits of India (especially the cheap food and cups of chai) but at the same time, Singapore is incredible! Roads are easy to cross, there are pavements, every type of food is available, public transport is easy, you can walk around all day without having to bleach your feet in the shower!

So modern!
A building with a boat on top - why not?
Marina Bay - stunning!
We packed in quite a bit of sightseeing, mall visiting, eating, visiting parks, Chinatown and Little India strolling and all round enjoying somewhere that felt like the future. And boy - does this place feel like the future. Everywhere is so clean, ordered, new and well planned. If we weren't moving to NZ, we'd definitely consider staying here.


The newest and smartest Buddhist Temple in the world (possibly)
Sampling 'Chicken Rice' - very popular dish in Chinatown
Picture postcard perfect in Singapore's Botanical Garden
Singapore is also the place for our next wedding treat - thanks Nick and Kate! We scrubbed up for the famous Raffles Long Bar at the Raffles Hotel, where we enjoyed Singapore Slings (invented at the bar) and too many free peanuts, throwing the shells on the floor! A bit nervous about getting in due to a dress code, but Sarah's smartest dress with flip flops, and me (Matt) in polished hiking boots with hiking trousers did the trick. It was lovely, thanks guys!
Singapore Slingin' it!

Crunchy peanut floor!
 On our final night in Singapore we headed out to Marina Bay to catch the light show over the harbour - it was stunning, and hopefully the London 2012 Olympics can do something similar to what these guys do twice a night, 365 days a year! Fine sprays filled the air that were filled with lasers and moving TV projections with music. Beautiful!

Starting the show to a certain beat...
Mucking about with slow shutter speeds

Sarah getting arty, with the Art Centre!

Looking over Marina Bay to the city at night

1 comment:

  1. Three brothers! Wish I was there with you all.
