Tuesday 17 February 2015

The Chicken Bus to San Ignacio

With a regretful goodbye to the Belizean Coast, we headed inland to the town of San Ignacio. A speedboat ride across to the coast, followed by a pimped up taxi ride with blacked out windows across Belize city to this beaut of a bus station:
Bus to nowheresville
To be greeted outside by rows upon rows of Bluebirds; retired, American school buses that have been Central America'd up (AKA paint job and sound system). And so we threw our bags in the back along with sacks of rice and beans (no joke) and got on our bumpy way.
It doesn't feel at all long since we last blogged, probably because it's not - but after busy days, it's nice to think back on what we've done. And cull through the masses of photos I take to delete the mundane, inappropriate and downright terrible. What's left is a good selection which makes the blog - and we're hitting nearly 100 different computers viewing each post - so we're glad people are enjoying what we write!

Getting off the bus in San Ignacio was brilliant. It turns out the cushions on school buses aren't designed for two hour bump-fests. They weren't 40 years ago when they were made, and they definitely aren't now. I might buy a cushion for the next one... backpacking in your 30's, right? So what better way to say hello to the town than a walk around and get settled down to watch the world walk by with some nachos...
A happy camper
San Ignacio is only a short stop for us, as we didn't want to head all the way into Guatemala in one day. But Belize is brilliant, and well worth a far, far longer trip on its own. Nearby to this little town are some great Maya temples which were built from 900BC through to 800AD - the temples of Cahal Pech. This blog so far has seen a lot of underwater photos and more temples in Tulum and Chichen Itza, forgive us! But they're all different and all beautiful. This one was a 15 minute walk from town, through the local streets...
Dogs kept following us. Which Sarah loved.
Apart from the amazing structures, the beauty of this place was that we had it ALL to ourselves for the entire visit - a far cry from the manic-ness of Chichen Itza. Queue one or two silly photos... I'll save the words and let the images tell the rest!
Tomb Raider - Broadstyle
Plazas, followed by plazas, followed by plazas...
Off the beaten path, somehow?
And it's no sacrifice
Just a simple word
It's two hearts living
In two separate worlds
But it's no sacrifice
No sacrifice
It's no sacrifice at all
Plaza G. What a name.
Glimpses through the jungle
The site of a few interesting scenes
Forget the ruins...
This temple rocks. 

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