Sunday 3 June 2012


Hello blogettes from Vientiane!

Definitely the diddiest capital city on our trip - and surely one of the smallest in the world. But a lovely place to spend a couple of days. And we could both imagine living here!

We've enjoyed croissants for breakfast both mornings. Quiche for lunch. And pizza for dinner. You can definitely still feel the French/European influence.

As we flicked through the guidebook on arrival we spotted a special section on the 'Cope Centre'. Both of us Copes were very excited - and so hot footed it there on our first morning. 
Great name
Of course the centre had nothing to do with the famed Lincolnshire name, but instead stands for Cooperative Orthotic and Prosthetic Enterprise ( We spent a fascinating and illumating 2 hours there including watching a documentary, and enjoying Lao Coffee in the Karma Cafe whilst talking to the centre staff. 
Matt made friends with a karma cafe kitten- this is one photo of many...
I won't bore you with another history lesson - but suffice to say the bombing of Laos between 1964 and 1973 is something none of us learnt about at school, and the ongoing impact of UXO (unexploded ordnance) has on Laos today - is something we don't hear about on the news or in the papers. COPE is doing amazing work supporting victims of UXO, and others with disabilities across the country.
Much needed prosthetic limbs
Effective display illustrating the deadly cluster bomb
A few facts and figures below. And thank you COPE for welcoming us!
Whilst having scoffed on French food enough (although I was tempted by the camembert in the supermarket!) we visited a night market on our second evening. There were some odd morsels on display...

More appealing!
We decided not to 'pig out' but instead bought five bags of we weren't sure what, plus some chicken, all of which we enjoyed back at the verandah of our bungalow.
Spot the doxycycline (anti-malarial). The sporks have come in handy at last!
Absolutely delicious - although the papaya salad has to be the spiciest thing we have eaten on the trip so far - sorry India, you have been beaten!!!
Happy on our verandah

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