Sunday 24 June 2012

Vinh Moc Tunnels and Imperial Hue

Leaving Phong Nha, we took the leisurely route to Hue via the DMZ (de-militarised zone deparating North and South Vietnam during the war) and stopping off to visit the Vinh Moc Tunnels where an entire village went underground to avoid bombing. Unfortunately the leisurely route meant a mini bus rather than the more comfortable train.
Even I was lacking leg room!
The tunnels were well worth it though - incredible to see what cramped conditions the families lived in, and yet strangely hopeful when you see that babies were born down there - who might not have been born if they had stayed overground. Matt of course enjoyed the opportunity to jump out at me at every opportunity. He even made a new Kiwi friend Tim, and were off exploring down tunnels away from the main route in the extensive 20km network with a dim little light. 
Bombs, bombs, bombs - that's what the war was about
Going deeper undergound
Arriving in Hue we had a very warm welcome from our hotel Hue Nino - who are officially crowned best hotel of the trip so far. Small but perfectly formed the staff couldn't have been more attentive, the room was super comfortable and there was even a bath and hairdryer!! All for less than £15 a night. Heaven.
Hue's Perfume River at night

We had a day to explore Hue and as the main sites are spreadout we decided to hire bikes again and whizzed round visiting the Citadel and Imperial Palace within the city walls, a couple of pagodas and a tomb. Battling Vietnamese traffic was interesting - but well worth it. A great day rounded off with a fantastic Japanese meal!
A Guardian of the Imperial City's Gates
Heavily bombed - some bits survived, some restored
A Nick von Mertens special!
The Imperial City
Vietnam Special Power: Sleep Anywhere (noise irrelevant)
The view from Matt's wheels
Me exploring!
A bit scary with a motorbike revving behind you!
Simple detail in the Emperor's Tombs
The Emperor's Tombs
One of these things is not like the others
Simple but stunning

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